The South Dakota schedule worked out perfectly, so on our way back we stopped at Clear Lake Iowa to do the Paddlefest. This was the second time we’d done this race. Clear Lake (the lake) 3600 acres and is surrounded by Clear Lake (the town). The first time we did this race it was blowing 15-20 mph and we had 3′ waves with whitecaps. This day was just the opposite-calm, smooth water.
There are several race distances, 1, 3 and 5 mile. We chose five miles. There were 11 signed up for that distance, a total of 43 for the other two. Our heat started first and we followed the bouys until the turn-around, then the same return path.
Once everyone was in, there were awards and drawings for swag. This race is for all age levels and abilities.
We highly recommend visiting Clear Lake. There are lots of shops, good restaurants and a few coffee shops. Plus lots of water activities.
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